Project Name
Advance Works Contract – Surface Runoff Control Measures
  • Premier Periclase
Main Contractor

Rossmore Civils Ltd

September 2017 – December 2017

Works Completed include:

  • 80,000 cu.m bulk excavation to achieve a reduced level for future works on an active landfill site.
  • The material was used for the construction of containment cells, hdpe lined swales and attenuation pond and forming landscaped bunds from the Class U2 non- hazardous material.
  • Construction of temporary surface water control collection system and associated settlement ponds and polishing filter systems.
  • Construction of 350m of 375mm dia surface water pipeline and associated insitu concrete chambers and headwalls.
  • Installation of 700m of pumped rising main including design and installation of 5 no mechanical and electrical pump systems incorporating automatic and remote controls.