Civils Site Development Project
- Iarnrod Eireann
Main Contractor
Balfour Beatty
November 2012 – July 2013
Works Completed include:
- Constructed 800m of single carriage as part of the stations redevelopment all works were carried out in accordance with NRA Standards and Design.
- The construction of the carriageway included full road makeup and 0.8km of of surfacing, extensive services installations, public lighting and traffic management systems carried out in a public/live traffic environment all in accordance with NRA specifications while working in conjunction with Meath County Council and Iarnroid Eireann.
- Site clearance of existing fence and hedgerows removal of traffic islands, alterations to road markings, making alterations to public lighting.
- Excavation to remove topsoil and embankment construction incorporating 20,000 cu.m of imported fill material , the works also included the construction of temporary road diversions for traffic management and station access throughout the works.
- Construction of insitu concrete kerb lines, public footpaths and cycle lanes along the new road and train station carpark all to NRA standards.
- Construction of a 2.4 x 2.4 precast concrete culvert to accommodate existing freshwater fisheries stream under the carriageway.
- Installation of 150mm watermain in the road verge and connection to existing 450 mains including construction of automated valve control chambers.
- Installation of new foul sewer including a foul pumping station 5m deep, and connection to existing foul sewer mains, alongside existing services and in live traffic.
- Diversion and realignment of existing services to facilitate the road construction including of existing watermain, MV, communications and fibre underground services.
- Public Lighting installation including mini pillars and connections to existing system
- Construction of concrete ramps and stairs to the for pedestrian access to train station
- Installation of NRA detailed timber post and rail fencing, and H2 crash barrier installation to road verge
- Landscaping and planting to road verges and fence lines including maintenance contract
- Installation of road marking’s and signage in accordance with NRA Standard
- All of the above carried out to NRA Standards and Specifications