Apron Rehabilitation Phase 4
- Dublin Airport Authorities
Main Contractor
Balfour Beatty
November 2018 – March 2019
Works Completed include:
- Bulk excavation of Rubblised PQ concrete and inert material 17,850m3.
- Site Clearance of existing underground services 11,000m2.
- Disposal of inert material off Site 11,910m3.
- Processing of Excavated PQ concrete for re use to 6f2 Material 6,320m3.
- Bulk filling operation 9,918m3.
- Installation of 375mm Concrete Storm line and tie in to Cuckoo River (Underground Culvert 4m deep) 120m.
- Installation of 5 No. RC Manholes to F900 Spec.
- Installation of Gatic Slot drain with RC concrete surround 100m and connection to existing.
- Hand Lay Pavement Quality Concrete to Apron 5,530m2.
- Installation of AGL ducting and Chambers 350m and 15 No. Chambers.
- Excavation of and Attendance to installation of fuel pipeline 200m.