Project Name
Flood Relief Arches – Enniscorthy Bypass
  • NRA Ireland
Main Contractor

Dragados-Bam Civil JV

July 2017 – January 2018

Works Completed include:

  • For this project Rossmore Civils ltd. placed 700m3 blinding and 3,500 m3 of concrete to 11 nr. reinforced foundations for the flood relief culverts.
  • 900 tonne of reinforcement steel tied over 11 bases was carried out including 40 wingwalls having an in-situ stitch poured after installation.
  • A total 323no. precast units were placed including arches, wingwalls, specials, & headwalls.
  • Concrete arches placed weighted 23.43 tonnes and spanned 9.1m each.
  • Installation and grouting of 300 no culverts were complete.
  • Each row of culverts were capped with a layer of 75mm blinding and mesh before back filling commenced. 25,000 m3 of backfill was placed between and over the culverts.
  • Drainage detail for the culverts included back of wall drainage of either side of each culvert and drainage 0.3m stone wrapped around the culverts.
  • Waterproofing of all buried surfaces was carried out.
  • 2000m of expansion joints were installed.
  • 4,000m of continuous preformed sealing strip and sealant were to internal and external surfaces of culverts.