Site Enabling Works Contract
- Alexion Pharma Ireland Ltd
Main Contractor
Rossmore Civils Ltd
July 2014 – November 2014
Works Completed include:
- The full Enabling Works at a greenfield site for a new build office block/administration centre, lab building and packaging/warehousing facility,
- Rossmore works include approx 70,000m3 of bulk cut to fill,
- Importing 17,500m3 of CL6F2 capping material and the breaking and disposal of 10,000m3 of pyritic rock,
- The construction of permanent car parks and road infrastructure,
- Installation of all permanent utilities including storm, foul, gas mains, fire hydrant main and electrical ducting & Substation.
- The development also includes an internal road network with lighting, security fencing and associated underground services.
- Construction of a temporary site compound for the duration of the project.
- Provision of services to site compound to provide power and welfare to the main compound setup.